Aerial Artist View of the Regional Health Center
Salud y Paz is building new facilities to better serve the comprehensive community health care and educational needs of the people served at the Camanchaj site.
The Regional Health Center project is a three-phase construction project that consists of creating a new home for our caretaker/guardian and his family, a new clinic, and a surgery center complete with three operating rooms.
The new clinic will have space for 3 exams room, an increase from our current clinic which only has one. It will also have an additional dental space to accommodate visiting dentists and students. New patient bathrooms will be located next to our expanded lab. In addition, plans include a centrally located pharmacy, patient waiting space, offices, multipurpose room, and a new kitchen. Housing the surgery center in a separate building will allow us to keep the clinic open regular hours, even when surgery teams are serving in Camanchaj.
In addition to a third operating room, the surgery center will include space dedicated for autoclaves, additional storage space, separate areas for pre- and post-op, more bathrooms for patients and staff, patient showers, and two private offices for patient consultations. For our staff and volunteers, there will be a lounge, shower, and bunk beds for overnight medical personnel.
The project will take several years to complete and is dependent on funding and manpower. Construction is completed by volunteer mission teams, our Guatemalan foreman, and a small team of Guatemalan workers. Currently, teams are working on the second phase of the project, constructing a new clinic.
Support the Regional Health Center project by donating or organizing a construction team.